Finished and drew an uwu Thank you for your amazing work acting as the purest boah ever! I confess, the game kept me afloat during some pretty dark times and for that I am so grateful. Bless you pardner and those at !

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for 12 years after 's death, an older who is tired of running from the Pinkerton and spends a moment to visit Arthur's grave and reminisces about the past. [part 1]

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My was too noble for his own good...I sucked the snake poison out of that guy's leg on three separate occasions, and I always greeted Micah in the camp. Might go dishonorable for my next playthrough of

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you dont care enough for me to cry

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Soo i drew Arthur Morgan again, it is not the best but ah well!

I have also started a piece of Eggsy from the Kingsman which should be finished and uploaded tomorrow!!

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Can't believe this is actually the first thing I draw with Arthur pfff but that saloon scene thooo

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