3☆ 共同とデッドエンド (unbloom, frameless)

0 0

4☆ トレーニングの夏 (bloom, frameless)

0 6

3☆ 試みサマーナイト (bloom, frameless)

0 2

兔群的隊長 (unbloom, cnstars2 image share)

0 3

1☆ ひとりのアイドル (unbloom, frameless)

0 0

1☆ ひとりのアイドル (bloom, frameless)

0 0

3☆ 試みサマーナイト (bloom, frameless)

1 2

The latest one, The Crooked Bloom, actually reveals 1 of 2 endings of the story. The twinsister chanted a wrong spell that ended up cursing her sister. Thus, she became crooked & couldn't fly to the moon. Every night, she would wonder alone in the void looking for her twinsister

2 3

In the 2nd edition, The Solitary Bloom, the twinsister told her sister that she has become the moon. Realizing that her sister would feel devastated to be left alone, she assured her that she would do anything in her power to bring her sister to her.

3 4

5☆ 何色の仮面 (bloom, frameless)

0 4

5☆ 自分らしく (bloom, frameless)

0 2

5☆ 灰かぶり (unbloom, frameless)

3 9

3☆ 悩める演者 (unbloom, frameless)

0 0

4☆ チャレンジゾンビ (bloom, frameless)

0 1

3☆ ジュントウタイム (bloom, frameless)

1 3

5☆ 何色の仮面 (bloom, frameless)

3 9

5☆ 自分らしく (bloom, frameless)

1 2

2☆ ESのアイドル (unbloom, frameless)

0 2

Avenue of cherry trees in full bloom, Yoshida Hiroshi (1935).

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