//=time() ?>
New Light Novel from @jnovelclub
Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension Volume 6 (ebook)
Amazon: https://t.co/8W8HggvyZM
iBooks: https://t.co/C9f5eiJ6f2
New Light Novel from @jnovelclub
Arifureta Zero Volume 3 (ebook)
Amazon: https://t.co/S2OK7iPhn7
iBooks: https://t.co/rImHSHVgV7
Mr. Ripley's Enchanted Books: Here we have our Children's/Young Adult Book Picks for November 2019. Check them out some great books here to read + 2 books signings for @EoinColfer
https://t.co/S1Q5k6lmPO… #bloggerstribe #blogpost #books #bloggers
Mr. Ripley's Enchanted Books: Here we have our Children's/Young Adult Book Picks for November 2019. Books by @EoinColfer @BrandSanderson @KatharineOrton @authorajhartley https://t.co/S1Q5k6lmPO #bloggerstribe #blogpost #books #bloggers
Books: Time to…by Penny Tassoni, via @BloomsburyEd https://t.co/CGofRG10Rg #UKEdChat
New Light Novel from @jnovelclub
Arifureta From Commonplace to World’s Strongest Volume 10 (ebook)
Amazon: https://t.co/6iTnCF4LpM
iBooks: https://t.co/URc8PTLMFe
Portada del volumen 2 de la novela de Bokuben titulado "Mitaiken no Jikanwari"
Uruka Idol, Fumino Inu, las hermanas Kirisu (Mafuyu & Miharu) de porristas, Asumi de fantasma y Rizu detective.
JUMP j BOOKS: December 4th!
New Light Novel from @jnovelclub
Seirei Gensouki Spirit Chronicles Volume 7 (eBook)
Amazon: https://t.co/cqyQCzLSpU
iBooks: https://t.co/f1CBiyyw8e
Loving everyone's spooky book recommendations for #Halloween Here are 4 of Bea's fave #picturebooks:
Visiting @LoveMeadowhall #Sheffield Sunday 3rd November? I will be @WHSmith 11.00-3.00pm with #TrainJourneyThroughTime & back catalogue of #ChildrensBooks: #felicityfly #TriangularTrev & #SaveUs I will also have details of the national #primaryschool #RapOff #SaveUsFromPlastic
「 モノクローム心象 」
melonbooks: https://t.co/4SDAZVoIHh
toranoana: https://t.co/5U5BpUMUzi
秋季例大祭に参加しませんが、再販希望の声にお応えして春の例大祭の新刊のうどんげ本“Good luck with a Radius of 3m” メロンブックス分の在庫を増補しました!ご興味のある方は是非ご利用くださいませ〜 #秋季例大祭
MelonBooks: https://t.co/g71DYhHtDH
AliceBooks: https://t.co/F46nrljy34
Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- √After #Lightnovel Retail Links:
Amazon: https://t.co/0gyrmz55Fy
B&N: https://t.co/LJTkJN5mVS
iBooks: https://t.co/U5LC7U7mNc
Google Play: https://t.co/n7R20A7RDN
Kobo: https://t.co/s0Rw3SjnI8
Happy #bivisibilityday! I'm bi. Here are some bi folks from my books: Kalp & Basil from #Triptych by @reapersun_art, Kintyre from #TheAccidentalTurnSeries by @awellkeptsecret, Rosa from #TheSkylarksSaga &Lydia from #LipsLikeIce by @archiaart. Not shown:Jessie from #AWomanoftheSea
@JustusRStone @yenpress The following week, J-Novel Club @jnovelclub will be releasing these ebooks:
Sexiled 1
Middle-Aged Businessman 2
Campfire Cooking 3
So I just want to show off some amazing art that @DannyPavlov is doing for me for the Wranglers of Westhallow adventure books:
Meet Fix'em Clippy - a goon clockwork cowboy set to keep Westhallow under the control for the big bad, Quick-Clank McCrank.
#wranglersofwesthallow #dnd
Mr. Ripley's Enchanted Books: Children's Book Picks - October 2019 Books by @sophiemckenzie_ @AJ_Wils @FisherAuthor @RobinScottEllio @geraldkillingwo
https://t.co/3TxxEY4yo8 #kidsbooks #reading #bloggerstribe
The Last Wolf is on the @clpe1 2019-20 Core books list! #PowerOfReading teaching plans available on Sept 17th for Years 1/2 @penguinkids @thatbooklifeuk @joermarriott #Corebooks: https://t.co/yaCj0KqESd … https://t.co/BIPcpaV3Jt …
Looking Ahead - Mr. Ripley's Enchanted Books: Children's Book Picks - October 2019 - Post One books by @jamieillustrate @sophiedahl @HollyKateWebb @OnjaliRauf
https://t.co/9PvROvW0Ve #kidsbooks #bloggerstribe