
198 652

my dadsona and his bf (god i love him

7 10

Thank you, I love her, I appreciate her, I adore her, I get to my knees and propose to her 😳❤️

124 500

Damien is so friggin' pure and precious.

2 6

I've been playing and I didn't expect Goth Dad to be so Good 😭

29 103

meet my dadsona, Adrian the fabulous dad!
Robert is the best Waifu ever

1 6

Dadsona and Amanda 🍆🍆❤️❤️💦💦 I WILL PROTECT U FOREVER MY DAUGHTER

4 11

as a trans gay dude i absolutely ADORED damien, thank you so so much & !!

4 5

wow look it’s my dadsona, he’s a goober

1 2

I'm sorry but if you don't think Damien cried during Hotel Transylvania, then we played different games

3 16

Fantastic job on your game ! Really enjoying it. I just had to draw Amanda as a small bean.

153 579