719 - Diancie
Type: Rock/Fairy

A sudden transformation of Carbink, its pink, glimmering body is said to be the loveliest sight in the whole world.

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718 - Zygarde - Complete Forme
Type: Dragon/Ground


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717 - Yveltal
Type: Dark/Flying

When this legendary Pokémon’s wings and tail feathers spread wide and glow red, it absorbs the life force of living creatures.

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715 - Noivern
Type: Flying/Dragon

The ultrasonic waves it emits from its ears can reduce a large boulder to pebbles. It swoops out of the dark to attack.

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714 - Noibat
Type: Flying/Dragon

Even a robust wrestler will become dizzy and unable to stand when exposed to its 200,000-hertz ultrasonic waves.

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712 - Bergmite
Type: Ice

Using air of -150 degrees Fahrenheit, they freeze opponents solid. They live in herds above the snow line on mountains.

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711 - Gourgeist
Type: Ghost/Grass

Singing in eerie voices, they wander town streets on the night of the new moon. Anyone who hears their song is cursed.

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708 - Phantump
Type: Ghost/Grass

These Pokémon are created when spirits possess rotten tree stumps. They prefer to live in abandoned forests.

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707 - Klefki
Type: Steel/Fairy

These key collectors threaten any attackers by fiercely jingling their keys at them.

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706 - Goodra
Type: Dragon

This very friendly Dragon-type Pokémon will hug its beloved Trainer, leaving that Trainer covered in sticky slime.

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705 - Sliggoo
Type: Dragon

Its four horns are a high-performance radar system. It uses them to sense sounds and smells, rather than using ears or a nose.

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704 - Goomy
Type: Dragon

The weakest Dragon-type Pokémon, it lives in damp, shady places, so its body doesn’t dry out.

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703 - Carbink
Type: Rock/Fairy

It has slept underground for hundreds of millions of years since its birth. It’s occasionally found during the excavation of caves.

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702 - Dedenne
Type: Electric/Fairy

It uses its tail to absorb electricity from power plants or from outlets in houses, and then it fires the electricity from its whiskers.

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701 - Hawlucha
Type: Fighting/Flying

Although its body is small, its proficient fighting skills enable it to keep up with big bruisers like Machamp and Hariyama.

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699 - Aurorus
Type: Rock/Ice

The diamond-shaped crystals on its body expel air as cold as -240 degrees Fahrenheit, surrounding its enemies and encasing them in ice.

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698 - Amaura
Type: Rock/Ice

This ancient Pokémon was restored from part of its body that had been frozen in ice for over 100 million years.

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697 - Tyrantrum
Type: Rock/Dragon

Thanks to its gargantuan jaws, which could shred thick metal plates as if they were paper, it was invincible in the ancient world it once inhabited.

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696 - Tyrunt
Type: Rock/Dragon

This Pokémon was restored from a fossil. If something happens that it doesn’t like, it throws a tantrum and runs wild.

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695 - Heliolisk
Type: Electric/Normal

They flare their frills and generate energy. A single Heliolisk can generate sufficient electricity to power a skyscraper.

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