⚠️ post⚠️
Days 1& 2 Segmented gore / exposed brain. the second one is based on Utsu-p's Ramen shop "GROTESQUE" which is 👌

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Goretober day one: vivisection

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my day 1: segmented guro. i wanted to do pixels for this one bc ive been painting a bunch recently ! might change the colors around later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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day 1 is completed

Prompt: Insect

Subject/Characters: 5t3V3 and an Insecticon from TFP

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Ahh just a small side affect with the gas and all, but so it begins!

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Happy Goretober!! I almost forgot to finish and post this! Before the day ends, here’s day one of Goretober!
Day 1: Experiments
I’m going off of ’s list!

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Day 1: Excessive cuts/lashes
(i'm redoing every pic that I did for goretober in 2015! plus some cuz i didnt finish)

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October 1st! Prompt: Excessive cuts. Using lovely Yuri from

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Doing so here is the first day of insects featuring myself.

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Redemption arc Peridot seeing blood for the first time. ☺️

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Jeff lost a few limbs to kick off (゜゜)

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day 1: insects 🐞🐌🦗 grubs are cute

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Well, I kinda made this lame but hey I am going to try to participate in Goretober this year with my first day being EYES.

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except i don't have a prompt list and am just gonna draw whatever i want lol anyways here ya go

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Day 1 of :Segmented guro
I'm using 's list! This is pretty fun, but don't expect consistent quality trough the month haha :'D

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