Aichacher Landの民族衣装

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Kitsunechika got a toothache

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NOBUE MIYAZAKI exhibition『See You Tomorrow』
本日からスタートです! 宮崎信恵(SOTMACHACHE.)による初の絵本『See You Tomorrow』の刊行を記念しての展示。絵本原画のほか、新作、ZINEやグッズも販売しています。

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人気イラストレーター、STOMACHACHE.の宮崎信恵による、初の絵本の出版を記念した個展が開催! -

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Joyeux anniversaire !
Pose ce hache ,
Profite de ce jour spécial tranquillement !

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Doodling my toothache away, dentist tomorrow >:T

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Bit of an announcement~!
Hachette will officially be publishing Sleepless Domain volume 1... in FRENCH!! :0
I've never had an official foreign version of my work before! <3
(And this will most likely also be the cover for the kickstarted English vol 1 later this year~~)

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sweet talk so sweet i'm getting a toothache👑

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Happy news! Awaken will be published in french by Hachette :D!!
The estimated release date in France is May aaahhh I'm so excited!!💖

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Mon illustration pour le livre - Méchants, les grandes figures du mal dans la pop culture paru chez Hachette Heroes

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Na, das ist ja noch mal gutgefangen, nun schachert mal im christlichen Sinne die Restposten aus

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Probad ahora! A ver si os salgo. Sarah con Hache... separado (antes me salía todo junto)

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Anyone here learning Amazing procedural material by
Alexandr Gluhachev via

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Another tiny sneak preview from the children's book I'm working on.
It's going to be so cute you'll get toothache ;)

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napping Affogato. He’s got a bit of a stomachache.

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Tooth keys like this one were used to pull teeth before dental extractor forceps were invented in the mid-nineteenth century

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I have toothache that is shockingly bad eyyyyyy, every minute i get a shock like pain in one tooth. going to the dentists next friday, the fear....

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1) Development of a fish
2) Development of a bird
Illustrations taken from ‘Le Monde de la Mer’ by Alfred Fredol.
Published 1866 by L. Hachette.
Wellcome Library.

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