looking forward to your next creation💖

91 42

[HQ] 170122 KIM JAEJOONG THE REBIRTH OF J 👑 (cr:itsareligion)-1

22 33

[HD PICS] 170121 {Rebirth Of J} 😍😍💕💕😍😍
(Cr starlitnancy)

133 106

[HD PICS] 170121 {Rebirth Of J} 💋
(Cr as tagged)

92 70

Lucky Fangirl picked by JJ!
(Cr 18只的CEO)

50 31

170112 Jaejoong update his Ins again~

11 9

[HD PICS] 161231 Jaejoong fansign in coex! (2)
(Cr Fanniimay)

33 40

[GIF] ♡〔´∇`〕♡
(cr J_Monkey)

93 86