191225 vmin aka when jimin looked at taehyung in the sweetest way possible 🥺 thank you mikrokosmos

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Sementara kalau pacing-nya terlalu cepat, pembaca akan kehilangan bagian penting dalam cerita yang seharusnya bisa memberikan kesan yang lebih baik.

Semoga bermanfaat ya, Kosmos! Selamat membaca!

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It’s Friday! Time for some Fan Art! This gorgeous Dragon Age design is Hope of Thedas by Eva Kosmos

You can submit and/or rate designs in our Fan Forge challenge through 1/17/20 🐉 Rate this design at https://t.co/eZ40zkvCIU

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Here is our 2nd post, this time on Runia! In the original design doc, she was a 12 year old boy named Runi. That was short lived, as the development worked out better as a littler sister. She's more mature than she looks.

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Di episode kali ini, kita akan membahas bagaimana alur panel yang baik untuk format komik dan webtoon, jumlah panel yang baik, serta ruang kosong antar panel yang disebut gutter.

Selamat membaca ya, Kosmos! (3/3)

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Hi, Kosmos!

Tahukah kamu? Panel dalam komik itu bagaikan jendela yang membuat pembaca melihat ke dunia dalam cerita kamu. (1/3)

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NEOKOSMOS:01 is an illustrated YA novel about humans raised in space by aliens, with an queer & autistic cast.
Created by 👽 & 🪐

SUPPORT US: https://t.co/dKe81bTftL
INSTAGRAM: https://t.co/VRiRBqhONl
BLOG: https://t.co/blgpYT3MBO

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First commission finished for 2020! Xenosaga's KOS-MOS and Shion commissioned by 🍑
Aiming to improve on my art especially colors this year, fighting!

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nemesis was defeated w/ help from but has only 2 pre-Crisis appearances: Presents Annual & Superman Annual This version no longer existed post-Crisis. He re-surfaced in DC Nuclear Winter Special (2019) One Million Universe

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Stay safe untuk semua Kosmos yang sedang terkena musibah banjir!

Jangan lupa amankan semua barang berharga dan pastikan keadaan keluarga, kerabat, serta peliharaanmu baik-baik saja ya. (1/2)

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reminder that anyone pledging any amount on patreon now has access to the first draft of NEOKOSMOS:01, the novel. if you were a fan of the webcomic and wanna know how it ends, come check it out! 👽
webcomic (now pilot): https://t.co/DCBlm8Dd3M

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SF-1 Spaceship by Eva Kosmos via /r/ImaginaryStarships https://t.co/xFhMpODLA3

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its a new dawn, its a new day, its a new life, for meeeee

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Kosmik percaya bahwa kesempatan yang terlewatkan di tahun kemarin pasti akan membawa peluang yang lebih besar di tahun berikutnya.

Tetap semangat dan positif dalam berkarya di tahun 2020 ya, Kosmos! Happy New Year!

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New character portraits for NEOKOSMOS! Zee, Tye and Iris. having a lot of fun with procreate and getting pumped to illustrate my novel 😊

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Hi, Kosmos!

Untuk menghasilkan sebuah cerita yang kredibel, riset menjadi bagian penting yang tidak boleh dilewatkan. (1/3)

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