Been playing through 1-3 with . We're currently on Chapt 17& loving it

We'd like to see a full game starring Laser Snake maybe as it hatches from its Laser Egg

He's a definite GOAT..but a snake..that shoots lasers..from his mouth

Thanks for the amazing work!

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We just recorded a great episode of Dragged into Turbolasers with ngers! Listen to it wherever you listen to podcasts, or watch the unedited version, with pictures, on our YouTube channel! A link is in our profile!

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In my Studio, 1928__ Lotte Laserstein (German painter) 1898 - 1993

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I made a Skin for Hanzo, at the request of a Kofi donator… His bow can shoot dragons AND lasers

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Uses of lasers on skin have become one of the most popular methods for achieving a younger and smoother facial appearanceLaser is an instrument that generates a beam of light of a single wavelength RT

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But the best part was the miniboss - they ping lasers off the walls over and over and OVER and I DODGED EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM*

*eventually XD

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The miniboss was good fun! All bright pink lasers and aggressive triangles :D

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Skeptical starts out with a focus on two boys, Chip and Ellis. Ellis is a type of human who can shoot lasers from his chest, and Chip has no idea that he's technically a zombie. The two quickly form a close bond with each other, and also learn more about themselves along the way!

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Is it like this but Blake without the eye lasers?

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lasers and feelings, tonight we are sleuth kids.... here is eleanor harris, an often disinterested computer wizard 🗝🔎

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Here, have an creature. I call it a "Spearhead" and it shoots lasers and stuff.

That is all, goodnight.

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Do you guys think Kizaru's lasers can be reflected/deflected by mirrors? If so, does that mean Brulee's devil fruit counters Kizaru's?

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Let's go to Six Lasers over Cybertron!

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"Tungsten is one of Starsteel's powerful warriors, and a rather calm one compared to the rest. Her body contains nanobots that emit light lasers, refracted to a selected visible wavelength and also fires special molecules carried by the light, takes effect upon impact."

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Patricia Era Bath was a physician who invented a device that uses lasers to remove cataracts from the eyes! // Learn more:

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me charging my sapphic lasers and decades of LDR experience

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