Meanwhile megatron and ultra magnus/minimus do all of the above with size differences. Megs can shrink on will (if someone can link me the scene where he's same size as rewind pls) and magnus is a literal russian nesting doll

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Got into the Beta and wanted to see how it handled Transformers VS Dalle 2. Same prompts, was trying for painted concept art of G1 and G1

3 10

why megatron got socks in the jacuzzi

30 184

Стал Праймом
Потому что так
решил совет

Стал Праймом
Потому что
уничтожил совет с Мегатроном

10 46

Who would win in a fight?
Megatron (Transformers) vs General Zod (DC Comics)

4 24

ElitaOp and Megatronus/Orion sketch commissions 💖

83 445


2 4

this arc made me kinda sad

Cause Megatron lobotomizes all the remaining earth bound transformers and makes them mindless slaves and Starscream, he leaves fully conscious of his situation

While Ratchet, is flayed into a Megatron's Tobogon

0 1

TFUK reveals that the Megatron who once fought alongside a time-travelling Galvatron was in fact, a Megatron clone with Straxus' mind, implying that in Marvel UK continuity, Galvatron was actually created by Unicron from STRAXUS, not Megatron.

30 211

🤖The leader of the Decepticons himself...


35 95

En algún punto se planeaba poner a Megatron en Bumblebee 2018 y no hablo del primer guión sino del que se aprobó para la película

Al final fue descartado pero se hizo un molde del cual se cree era su diseño oficial

12 60


61 359

Here’s another remastered Transformers Girl art card: Megatron (or Mega-chan), leader of the wicked DeceptiGals.

And leave a comment if there any G1 Transformers you’d like to see in this style. I’ll add them to the list when I start doing brand-new cards.

5 37

You're talking about Generations Selects, which ALSO features Super Megatron.

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