⛈⚡️”Nature is just nature — not beautiful, not ugly. The wind blows, the flowers float away. It’s simply how things are.”⚡️⛈

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I spent like no time on this and I can't draw cyborg Raiden but I needed to get this out of my system

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For 's tag I did my all time favorite and it was so much fun

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Everytime when i launch MRG is like...

I love and hate this game in the same time

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🌸 “Nature is just nature — not beautiful, not ugly. The wind blows, the flowers float away. It’s simply how things are.” 🌸

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Well, the reason I've been learning how to draw is making fanart pictures of my favorite game characters.

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arte feita na live terça feira(eu acho), a tempos to querendo fazer uma fanart desse personagem foda, porque esse jogo é foda demais

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“I lost my whole family, everything… But I butchered those f*ckers. My family’s killers. That’s when I realized… I’m a killer too. And a good one at that.”

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“War is a cruel parent, but an effective teacher. It’s final lesson is carved deep within my psyche... That this world... and all its people... are diseased.”

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