It's crap but I had fun. One of my nanowrimo characters! Who the heck knows how to write sci fi, not me

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Halfway there! Drop into any participating library during for our "Come Write In" programs. Info:

2 6

Anybody need a straw-haired lad? Portrait Adoption has you covered with! writers, players take note!

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Daily habit = the maximum chance of catching the Muse & squeezing every last drop out of that Bitch

21 36

Fini l'inktober ! Passons au NaNoWriMo avec Yuan. Objectif : rédiger plus de 10 000 mots en un mois !

Lien :

4 11

"Be brave & ridiculous & absolutely you in your journey to the page." with our 1st pep talk:

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(Repost, because I fail) This years cast! What a bunch of losers.

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players, writers, get your elf here! Portrait Adoption details at this link:

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Writers! Check out this piece on language creation by Elizabeth Barrette from EMG-Zine:

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Writers, Keep This Link Handy! The Amazing NaNoWriMo Triage Center: Helping You Get To 50K

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Quick sketch for day 3 another character.

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