doodling The meow meow girl

139 393

Something I was thinking about is a shot recreation of this scene but with Tsugumi as Neku alongside the Shinjuku Angels (right before Tsugumi becomes trapped inside Mr. Mew).

1 3

Do any or fans out there know how to NOT EVOLVE certain pins in The World Ends with You: Final Remix?

I’m trying to NOT evolve certain pins that have both BT and SD evolution results (like Natural Magnum for example).

Please help if you can. 🥺

1 1

“You don’t have to if you’re scared, Rindo.”
“I’m not, I just don’t wanna screw it up.”

In which they have a festive first kiss.

Consider this my super late submission for Day 2 (Firsts) of 🙇🙇🙇

29 109

Shokie~ 😏🔪#NEOTWEWY

68 175

The 4st Picture of Rindoka Week

we fight togehter ❤️ and we win this for sure❤️

Rindoka Week Day 3

Rindoka Week

12 53

In this house we love and appreciate Shoka Sakurane 💖

116 435

The 7st picture and the Last picture of Neshiki week

She's waiting for him for 3 years and finally he came back to her❤️

Neshiki Day 7 Last Day❤️


Neshiki week

11 32

One night at 3 am, I discovered that Gumball and Hazuki shared the same voice actor. I drew this crossover to process my shock

129 467

The 6st picture of Neshiki week i'm so glad you here Neku❤️ i wish we had this moment in NEO but this pic made it happend

Neshiki Day 6❤️


Neshiki week

8 24