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I study a lot of art and design, and I CONSTANTLY use that for NPC design and writing. I think an NPC with good or interesting visual motifs are really important for players to connect (I run on Roll20, it’d likely not be prevalent at all if I ran in person)

Here are a few:

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"Superman going evil" has been done before, but, by and large, those were one-shot Imaginary or Elseworlds stories. When Dan DiDio came in, they started becoming more prevalent, standing presences. Hell, "Injustice" had an entire continuity based around an evil, rogue Superman.

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いえあぁーー だいたい髪型できたよぅーーあああああー!!! 妥協と苦悩の狭間での難産なのでは? 褒めて・・・いいねしてくれ(切実) あとイヤカフ作ってくるうあー  もうちょっとスクショ多めでファンボックスにうpしておくことにするぜ

1 4

正解がわからなくて迷走し始めたので今日はこれくらいにしてやろう。 ぶっちゃけ、後頭部とイヤカフ作れてないので明日やるます。 もうそろそろゴールしたいぞ。 

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I'm queer-coded teen who's not prevalent enough to be a series regular but is too prevalent to be considered a side character https://t.co/qfJHnDVPpl

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よくわかんないけど、よさげな雰囲気のパーカー着せてみました。 これ、まだ、髪の毛完成していないんだぜ・・・(白目)

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いいかんじなのでは? いや、わかんないけど

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ピアス付けなきゃです。似せられているかしら?? 正面から見える髪型は大丈夫そうなのだけれど、サイドスタイルがよくわかんないやぁ・・・    

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VRoidでアイナナの百さんを、髪の毛のテクスチャーのトレーニングのために作ってたけど、髪の毛の配置で積んだので供養。 報われたいので誰か褒めてくださいまし…  褒めてもらえたら完走まで頑張ろうと思いますわ(サイドの髪型の資料ください)    

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This is pretty neat! Also feels pretty prevalent to me. https://t.co/hRAm1qn9lM

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"Só lembro de me agarrar a ela, abraçando-a da melhor maneira possível. Só lembro de ter dito: “Não tivemos tempo o bastante”.

Meu deus não respiro, só consigo chorar e chorar, Evelyn e Celia eu amo tanto vocês mds mesmo depois de tantos anos o amor prevaleceu

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♡︎𝐘𝐮𝐤𝐢 & 𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐨♡︎

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viktor is in the same universe as caspian but he is a much less prevalent character he is undead and works as a henchman for vivienne (husbands oc) he keeps dying in action and has to be resurrected and patched up each time

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