RK900 and RK1700 Doodles on I-pad when I'm working outside.... [ it's still hard to control I-pad's pen... 😭 ]
I don't know what to do or what to drawing in this time....please don't mind😂

5 31

Finished on *porn* animation of Connor begs to fuck him. Who is on left? Its up to you decide and imagine to fuck Connor. =3
did I mention animation is hard?

2 11

Happy halloween
filling in as much fetishes as possible.png
need sleep send tweet

14 53

Demon Nines & Human Connor! It's based on an fanfic called Haures written by badwitcnl on ao3!!! 💕

39 165

thank u for joining the collab!
I'm really happy to hv u on board > < ))9
saw a choir boy design and I suddenly thinking of KRM and in it //w \\) can't help but love those hard-working students running around Upper Cathedral Ward
I did 900 and the draft

54 188

바디는 막 그렸음. 저는 둘이 키가 거의 같은데 골격차이 나는게 조아요
잘생기게 그리기 힘들어서 수정을 반복하다보니 퀄리티가 올라갔음. 깔깔

406 1256

my half of a collab with !!!
maid cats.... :D

101 393

아직 11월 1일이 아니지만 그래도 ...분장한애들이 보고시펏당...
구백팔백이 망자의날 분장:)....

72 264

Trying to make GIF for a first time 😂
but it unfinished yet... I will try find a free time to finish it 😂😂😂so busy now but I like them!
[ Sorry for use a old pic 😭..... ]

18 81

And everyone gets in trouble with HR
(or is it AR now? H&AR?)

27 135

just need to get this out there

138 478


775 1979