preteen V current... the only thing that's really changed is that I stopped smiling in pictures and started enjoying salad

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Preteen me Vs Me now
-All black, black hair, make up, black heart all very sexy
-Mean, rude to everyone
-Never left room
-In band

-Black still sexy but so is pink
-Trys to hard to be nice to everyone
-Never leaves the house
-Hasn't played an instrument in 4 years

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Preteen me vs me now. Pretty sure I had that exact outfit in the first one...

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Preteen me vs me now

- Deeper voice
- Happier
- less acne and zits
- Got fat
- A bit more confidence on myself
- Taller

Other than that, even though I am 22, I still look like I am 16-17

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I caved so here’s preteen me vs me now 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just look gayer

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preteen VS now, my hair used to be soooo long gjdkgkdkg so u don't have to click through like 4 tweets

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oh wow

Preteen me vs. me now
I literally just became a exhausted bi addicted to bubble tea and drawing 24/7

plus my style has changed a TON but quarantine has got me going comfy..

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preteen me vs. me now

awkward anxious child meets less awkward less anxious adult. also turns out you're gay, kiddo

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Preteen fuzzfuck vs now
I deadass said fuck femininity

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Preteen me vs now
Shy weird cat girl
Depressed weird dog person

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Preteen me: angy, edgy
Now me: anxiety, tired

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preteen me vs now!

yeah, i actually used to get a tan... and i had freckles :((
not much changed in terms of haircut LOL

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preteen me vs current me vs what i wish i looked like

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Saw some other people doing this so I thought I would try too!

preteen me vs me now!
I identified as pan in middle school and used to have really long messy hair.

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Preteen me vs me now
- Fat
- Literally no good qualities
- "I don't want a job"
- Played Halo Reach 24/7

- Knows how to talk to people
- Has ambitions
- Knows how to wear clothes well
- Husband material

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Preteen me vs me now

I was like,,,super emo and androgynous back then because I hated “girly girls” lmao young me would hate my current self

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