I loved Risk of Rain when it came out, and I'm enjoying so much, this piece took double the time - I was too busy playing!

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Been playing far too much lately. It's leaking into my art as well. when i'm not playing i'm thinking about playing. Haven't been this into a roguelike since the original Risk of Rain. Here's some commando pixelart to commemorate.

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Did a speeddraw of the huntress from Only realised after finishing how off model she is, should have used reference haha.
Game is great, can't wait for modifiers to come out!

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Dear game devs, please put more rock monsters into your games. Something about them is just an aesthetic

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Really, really enjoying It somehow captures the exact feel from the first game even in 3D, the Devs did an amazing job

Had to sketch some quick thumbnails :)

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Oh shit, happened and that sounds like an excellent excuse to reupload some of my old crap. Because it's very important to my fragile ego that you know I was drawing RoR lewds and huntress' fat ass before it was cool.

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It feelt like ages and seconds at the same time while waiting for but every moment was absoluteley worth it!
When it was announced I made those doodles and gained hype that still lasts! Great job team and for outstanding soundtrack!

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Risk of Rain is one of my top 5 favorite games and I'm so excited for the second game

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Risk of Not Getting To Go To PAX To Play

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