I havent slept in two days and im disassociating uwu

0 1

mild disassociation? nbd says josuke hijikata( early 2017 P OLD)

1 0

gay culture is unabashedly watching your classmate/friend get out of the pool and immediately disassociating

5 23

Brain: But wouldn't assassins NOT want to look similar or unifrom to prevent from being identified in assassosiation with each oth-

0 0

Nother while-back rugged commission of Obmeiste's Issasso.

4 17

When the disassociation starts to kick in

0 15

Hailemariam desalegn, Zuma, Mugabe, Jammeh gone... now loading, Nkurunzinza, Kabila, Paul Biya, Teodoro Obiang, Denis Sassou Nguesso, M7...cartoon for

10 11

this is how disassociation looks like

0 5

The Virgin in Prayer by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato
Size : 58" x 73"cm
Price : $67
Oil On Canvas
Details : https://t.co/tUUhYzK08g

10 26

Do You Ever Exist Slightly To the Left: A short comic about disassociation

11 35

For every like I will share 1 disassociative delusion/behavior from the week-long LSD induced sleepless hell that I went through back in may

0 20

🏞#CampoImperatore - Little in region🌄 Just 2 hours from !
INFO 📷➡ https://t.co/Z45FNAtSCP

36 130

Siempre te sacan tan verde. Nicolas Sassoon

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