Another Boating School redraw with SMKFAN as Mrs. Puff, based on of course Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School. She looks pog face like here.

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Sorry but unfollow if there's more than one Old Man Jenkins in your heart

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Mrs. Puff You're Fired redraw with SMKFAN as Mrs. Puff, based on of course Spongebob Season 4 Episode Mrs. Puff You're Fired.

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No Free Rides redraw with SMKFAN as Mrs. Puff, based on of course Spongebob Season 2 Episode No Free Rides.

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Boating School redraw with SMKFAN as Mrs. Puff, based on of course Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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Finally made Human Plankton. The tiny little man! He's here for the secret formula.

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Humanized scene redraw from What's Eating Patrick? (Season 9) There is a scene where Mr. Krabs tells the story about an eating contest and the undefeated champion Oswald Mc.Nuttly and some other characters were there, including Mrs. Puff who lost.

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Camper Gary Kamp Koral Humanized scene.
Yeah you know which part. When Mrs. Puff salts and eats the tomato and cackles like a maniac, scaring Spongebob.

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More humanized Mrs. Puff from that scene in Season 11 Drive Happy. The first one is when she turns and sees Spongebob in the self-driving car and freaks out because he not driving. Second is when she saw a truck after taking her eyes off the road.

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Mrs. Puff: "Oh Neptune..."

A humanized scene redraw of No Free Rides from Season 2 (Episode 30A or Season 2 Episode 18). After Mrs. Puff puffs up, after Spongebob leaves sadly, after failing, she starts to panic and thinks of Extra Credit.

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Another humanized scene redraw from Season 6 Episode 2A or Episode 4, Nautical Novice. Spongebob is behind Mrs. Puff in the window and she covers him up and lies that there is nothing there because she doesn't want Spongebob on the bus.

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A humanized redraw from Lighthouse Louie from when Spongebob tries to make it up to Mrs. Puff and he tries to style her hair, but messes it up bad and it hurt her. She also cringes at it. Poor her Spongebob was only trying to make it up.

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More humanized drawings from a scene of Kooky Cooks. Mrs. Puff be so funny and expressive that I like it. Her faces are scary too. She looks like she has fish eyes when she opens her mouth wide like that, lol ;P. What a small face on the left.

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A humanized redraw of a scene from "UNAIRED" Season 12 Episode Kwarentined Krab. Mrs. Puff stares, gets bored and does a huge yawn. She attempts to cover her mouth while she does so. Mr. Krabs thinks she's sick and tosses her into the freezer.

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A humanized redraw of a scene from "UNAIRED" Season 12 Episode Kwarentined Krab. Mrs. Puff tries to capture Mr. Krabs in a trash can she puffs and the trash can falls on her, making her covered in trash. The health inspector thinks she's sick.

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Ice Cream always makes me feel better-Spongebob. ♥️
Made my own Version from this episode

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Humanized redraw of a scene from Teacher's Pests. This is one of my fave scenes. Plankton and Mr. Krabs are trying to get gold stars from Mrs. Puff. They give her fruit and she gives them stars. They just don't stop and keep throwing fruit at her.

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Mrs. Puff: "Hello Spongebob. SPONGEBOB!!!!! AHHHH!!!! You're not driving?!!!"
Another part of Mrs. Puff's scene from Drive Happy but humanized. Her faces are so funny in this scene. She's freaking out at Spongebob in the self-driving car, Coupe.

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A Humanized scene redraw from Hiccup Plague. Mrs. Puff has the hiccups from Mr. Krabs and she goes to the washroom to try and get rid of them. This is one of the times she hiccups. This face is so funny.This episode is so funny!

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