GOOSEFEATHER - ThunderClan (Goosefeather's Curse > Spottedleaf's Heart)

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MOONFLOWER - ThunderClan (Goosefeather's Curse > Bluestar's Prophecy)

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First up is Beechfur who. is actually a character who was in a forbidden relationship thunderclan didnt stick their nose into? what a concept.

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I love these cats. Finally making this comic after writing it down a few years ago is so great.

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More cats!! More cats!!
This is Birdflight, the deputy of ThunderClan
I think his expression says it all

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SMALLEAR - ThunderClan (Goosefeather's Curse > The Darkest Hour)

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This is Rosethorn, the medicine cat in ThunderClan. After her mentor was killed, with signs pointing to one of her Clanmates being the cause, she's been very unsocial, reserved, and untrusting. Doesnt help that Embereyes refused to come and see her when she visits the Moonpool

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SWIFTBREEZE - ThunderClan (Goosefeather's Curse > Redtail's Debt)

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ADDERFANG - ThunderClan (Goosefeather's Curse > Redtail's Debt)

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STORMTAIL - ThunderClan (Goosefeather's Curse > Redtail's Debt)

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While ago after finnishing Bramblestar's Storm(not a huge fan) I drew a fast picture of my new OTP in modern Warriors - Their relationship matured and they are a really cute couple in the bg of Thunderclan. Gerberas represent patience & loyaty

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There's a ton of OCs I haven't designed yet, so here are some.
Birchstar - ThunderClan leader in Beyond the River
Stormstar - ShadowClan leader + Dewstorm's father
Silverblossom - Dewstorm's mother
Pinetail - ShadowClan deputy before Depthwater, Cliffshade and Cougarfoot's mother

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Three babies from Tinywillow and Flintrun, these three mark the last of ThunderClan's part of the allegiances!

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ThunderClan Queen Tinywillow who is Milkstar's sisterino
And her two first daughters Dewpaw and Deerkit who will eventually get an apprentice ceremony who knows Milkstar can be lazy

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ThunderClan warriors plus grumpy old man who doesn't wanna be an elder

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Reedbrook and Heathertooth with their kids. They are a fairly hairless family. We have L 2 R; Heathertooth, Reedbrook, Mistykit, Cherryhawk, Honeykit, Mousetail, Smallkit, Starlingsong, and Oatpaw. Smallkit is very sickly. Cherryhawk is the thunderclan medicine cat.

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I may or may not have used the new warrior clans generator and adopted like 40 different cats ups

heres all the Leaders /Deputys and Healers!
I drew all of thunderclan and lined all of shadowclan already but imma lil burned out on drawing cats sooo rest gonna have to wait ups

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Nott - Crookedthroat - Thunderclan

Ok could I not make Nott a raccoon? Perhaps after hearing clan names she would make her own. Crooked = something out of place, how she feels in her own skin. Throat = just felt right with her voice!

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blackbriars new thunderclan clan mates get mad at her for putting frogs on the fresh kill pile but goldenheart still catches them for Her

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