Meow Ashe 👀💖💖💖
I drew this to make a badge for my friend as a gift for her since the printing shop is on sale 👀👀👀
Still try hard on my coloring (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)

34 84

hi WH fandom i cant stop thinking about this game

text post by incorrect-witchs-heart-quotes on tumblr!

6 15

i do not accept constructive criticism

11 24

This is a parody of some Vietnamese jokes so maybe you guys here wouldn't get it but in our country it's extremely hilarious 😂

13 35


Ref. from Official pic Witch's heart -Bonus Stage- 2nd Anniversary [2020]

7 18

(Belated) Happy Birthday Ashe! ft. the Apron Associates

They made donuts for Ashe 🥰💕🥰💕

27 86

I made the WsH Dangaronpa info card cause now I'm in the bottom of Dangaronpa's hell _(:3 」∠)_
It may have a mistake but I'm glad to make this 👉👈

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Deadline's killing me I don't have enough time to draw a new piece so here's an old WIP featuring Ashe got hit by Wilardo and Sirius in their each route
Anyway, Happy Birthday Ashe 🎁💚

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A super adorable WilSiri commission I received from (*´▽`*)🙏❤💜
Support the artist! 💖💖

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There will be lots of tears once Ashe finally cries to accept everything that had happened :''))

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"what are you doing?"

Haha, I haven't drawn him for a very long time.

40 81

modern!au Noel with this backpack (and 👁️ earring)

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drawing Ashe in my clothes

19 46