huuh yes i noticed its pibi's cause they're resemble her drawing for yunjae

1 0

YUNJAE Somewhere only we know..Is this the place we used to love? (cr.volasoulfighter)

37 31

YUNJAE Can we go back to the way we used to be ?

22 29

gif YUNJAE So close! อร๊ายยย! มองตากันใกล้มากอ่ะ (via saramoonwolf)

90 92

gif YUNJAE Hot Dance! *O* (via saramoonwolf)

42 66

Now my heart full of happiness and power to continue support their love

73 22

you think i'm overreacting bc of yunjae???

2 0


0 1

YUNJAE You can love someone so much (cr. on pic) ♥

160 58

I love you for all that you are, all that you've been and all you are yet to be ♥

85 26

Just for one day I would like to be the bed in your room. oh baby - Hug ♥

168 44

[Fanart] and their son *sobs* when will this become real?!

10 11

YUNJAE Spellbound (cr.RAN)

30 21

YUNJAE photoshoot >< So cute! (cr.SINO)

57 41

YUNJAE Same act! >3< How cute! (cr.miselovans)

7 7