day 6: A hydrangea Altaria!

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Paspal × 狛茉璃奈による『厨二病なデジタルシンフォロック』です。

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Here it is without shading to show off the gradient on the wings.
Also I'm definitely making an OC with this Altaria as a partner. Altaria not being in the Galar Pokédex can't stop me.

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Gigamax (or Galarian) Altaria concept! (+ bonus regular Altaria)
I based its wings on a Nebula, since Wishing Stars fall from the sky like meteorites.
Its type is Dragon/Fairy like Mega Altaria.

(Yes, Altaria is my favorite pokémon.)

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i kinda take back what i said abt meras, i think she'd be tht rival like wally who just grows alongside you on the journey. she wants to make her mentor (atella) proud! so here's her team! she'd also later get an ampharos and altaria!

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7. Favourite Mega-Evolution - Mega Altaria! I've never been much of a M-E user but I have many fond memories with Altaria on different adventures. Thanks for the memories Judith a.k.a. Last Queen Standing 💕

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Favorite Mega Evo is Gallade, followed closely by Altaria and Ampharos.

I already miss Megas.

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commissioned more altarians this one is done by @ edcvs on instagram thank yo uvery much sir

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Lider favorito: Alana hands down. La de veces que me mato en el zafiro porque solo tenia un blaziken con ataques de fuego o lucha y cuando sacaba su altaria no le hacia casi daño.

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I remade my pokesona,
I am now a Shiny Altaria,
do u like her :>💛

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I did some dumb pokemon drawings today (last one is remoraid/altaria fusion)

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POST 1: "A Primer"

Altaria is a conworld inhabited by a single sentient species, called Altarians in English. (see picture 1).

A map of their planet is shown by picture 2. The Altarian system is notable for very Earthlike climate (albeit with higher temperature...

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I'm late to the party but I wanted to give it a go for a laugh even though I'm awful at drawing fancy clothes.
The waistcoat is yellow since I have a shiny altaria.

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Poké-non my version of the was described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The second image is the official on brand look on that Pokémon.

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