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🎶Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.🎶
Britannia, #Art by Francesco Biagini.
#TONIGHT #Lovecraft #Lovecraftian #Cultist #Madness #Chaos #Chaosdimension #Horrorfans #Macabreart #Cosmichorror #Darkness #Oldones #Nightmares #DarkArt #Creatures #Demons #Death #Necronomicon #HorrorArt #MonsterDesign
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@Pinkmirukuu Hey, meu nome é Annia, tenho 19 anos e curto me desafiar no desenho!
Gosto de fazer uns sorteios e agora estou num projeto pessoal de desenhar animações antigas. Tá ai alguns dos desenhos q mais gosto.
Artistas: @mochikiwis @y4suyuk1 @inutheuss @dadabibis
Getting the most from your Kindle Unlimited subscription? Try Britannia’s Mission, or any other Dawlish Chronicles novel. If you're a Kindle Unlimited or Kindle Prime subscriber you can read it at no extra charge. For paperback & Kindle too. Click: https://t.co/VbIwfTZzOt
@namiartwork Hey! Sou a Annia e aqui está uns desenhos meus <3
Gosto de fazer alguns sorteios às vezes, mas meu hobbie do momento é redesenhar animações antigas (vou colocar algumas no comentário aq embaixo)
É isto
My friend @BobbieCRIES has a kitten coming named Copper Pants Princette and won't stop sending the cutest pictures so gUESS WHAT I HAD TO DO
#zannianator #kittens #cats #digitalart #art #artforfriends
[nsfw] trying to make this as family-friendly as possible lmao (get the full version on @/anniabstrakt)
kinkyscientists.png #entrapdak
What is Will gonna do next?
#TheAdventuresOfHanniAndWill #hannibal #hannigram
TNT is a bunch of cowards for not making the tyrannian buzz
The tyrannian buzz doesn't exist because I'd become too powerful if it did
I'll most likely shade and add more details tomorrow
@ViiMorteArt Thank you for the Tag zanniack 😭 I'm Sock and I'm an aspiring animator/comic artist trying my best 🧡🧡🧡
H: Will, luv me plz!!! 🥰
W: No.
H: WHY NOT? 😢💔
W: You've tried to saw my head open just yesterday... 😑
H: But that was just once 👉👈
H: I promise I won't try again 🥺
W: yeah right 🙄🤦♂️
#hannibal #hannigram
@watsonzineo #stopknockingdownartists
Heye, sou a Annia, tenho 19 e meu passa tempo integral é fazer uns desenhos aleatórios ai <3