Eeeeeeek! We’re getting the keys for our first home together today!

(I am obviously a witch as I have somehow tricked this AMAZING man into living with me... poor bugger... ♥️

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Trying something new with my initial sketching before i jump to something finished. Also didn’t want to paint it but figured I’d give it some color even if its faded and flat. Missed drawing this bugger.

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Pete aka is fun to take pics of but the bugger don't stay still hehe. Still love him to bits tho! 😂🎧

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Well Tina, you have been replaced! What? I found this little bugger in that one episode in Mao Mao. How can I resist? Actually, nobody has drawn her yet, so...

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Sammy's encounter with some mysterious biohazard material buggers her up as it converts her into a big bouncy inflatable rubber hazmat bug!

Inspired by the amazing old Pretty Pervy suit designs, she won't be doing much talking or science, just lots of hopping around & chittering

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8) POISON.... you either hatch over 1000 spinaraks for a failed attempts shiny and hate the lil bugger or learn to love the thousand of perfect iv spider children you are now in charge of

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Pesky has the power to control insects, arachnids and mollusks, so he scouts out a town, sends in the bee's and then upsales the ponies there to pay him for their removal.

He draws the little cross over his cutie mark himself! Cheeky bugger..

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Drew my little stone monkey <3 love the little bugger

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Still more progress. So I'm turning this into a bit of headworld location stuff. The butterflies are actually the guardian's of the Heart of the Planet, they flesh eating buggers and massive. Not to be trifled with. If you ain't worthy, you dead.

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what the bugger... 25/12 what a messed up date to release 😐

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found this lil bugger on my nasturtiums 😤😤

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There ARE! She is headstrong and I've not drawn the bugger yet, but she now has a weasel familiar, too!

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Some more buggers for a session!

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Old <||> New

It's amazing what can happen when you revisit a character you haven't drawn in 5 years and see how it turns out. Here's my li'l bugger Pippy from my "A Pig called Princess" Project.

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Here’s a cute moomin!!! I recently started the show and it’s super charming and peaceful, I just had to draw the lil bugger!

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- 5. Redtooth Triggerfish / Chaos

Freaky little buggers. I love body horror involving giant mouths. Also, hey, look, a scale brush! Totally not gonna abuse this at all. 🐟

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Un dessin d'un mechant se deguisant en un gentil d'une histoire que ze creer depuis plusieurs années maintenant /o/ (j'en fais un speedpainting (si after effect veux bien ne pas bugger au niveau du son))

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Happy Friday you sexy buggers, it's nearly the weekend :) :) :)

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A sad ending to this little chap.
Straight in off the sea and hit by a car,
having just made the crossing from Africa to the med...😐 poor bugger

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