I probably don't give Luna enough love, plus anytime I can give an ability the Darkseid Omega Beam treatment, I'm...gonna

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So I’m reading this at the moment... I am loving it so far! Who else has read it?

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“It’s a throw down, a showdown, Hell no I won’t slow down”, Darkseid versus the Last Son of Krypton, courtesy of Michael Turner. Another piece of gold. That pg 3 Wonder Woman shot is AWESOME

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I’m sure we’re all looking forward to 2021 for many reasons. Here’s one reason I’m excited for next year. Darkseid!

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So far, together with YOU, and I have helped raised over $30,000 for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention by selling this limited Darkseid t-shirt. There’s still 3 hours left to get it at https://t.co/zIMYASeLQv

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Darkseid and his legion coming on 2021

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Whether we see it in this movie or the next,I can't wait to see 's Darkseid evolution as he goes from Confident (his hubris?) to so powerful that he doesn't even need to worry about a display of confidence.He is all powerful. Nothing is a threat to him. Yet.

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I said this before but idk :/

Who would win the fight?
Dragon Ball vs DC
Beerus Or Darkseid

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Welcome to my flash rebirth rewrite

After Barry and Barts return in final crisis and the flash familys victory over darkseid, Bart meets his grandfather for the first time, Barry recognizes him as Wallys partner but little more (Barts identity is a mystery to Barry)

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Remember when Batman went to hell and fought Darkseid to bring Damian back to life? Good times

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esos días que te levantas con el pie izquierdo De esos, que hasta que no te tomas el primer café del día, no eres persona ni quieres tener contacto con nadie. Pero como somos buena gente, esta mala baba nos dura poco
art by Leo Colapietro

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