There once was a sculptor named Phidias
Whose manners in art were invidious
He carved Aphrodite without any nightie
Which startled the ultra fastidious

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Ramadan Mubarak💙
Happy fasting for everyone !💕

Drew this really quick ahah, soo messy and the background is meh XD
Sorry for hurting your eyes XD

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por fastidiosa es que no gano nada pero igual lo pongo

este dibujo está entre los primeros 10 que hice en digital

tardé 3 semanas °v°

con el mouse táctil de la canaima

la “firma" y el fondo (que según google es de pinterest) los agregué ayer


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Noooo, I haven't eaten one last time sushi before Ramadan 😰😨😢!
Truly, latly I'm overwhelmed by the events; time flies so much so take care of yourself and benefit from each day of this
Fasting or not, muslim or not, please keep safe and good ❤️
Love and laughs!

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Fastive Blake

I was quite in the zone making this one and adjusted the way I color compared to the last two...

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Happy Friday! Hope you all have a tooth-fastic weekend 🤣

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Arttrade para cuyo personaje creo que es una chica magica, fue divertido hacerla mas "anime" y la espada parece sacada de Star Vs. Blablabla.
P.D: Esa serie es un fastido

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Arttrade para cuyo personaje creo que es una chica magica, fue divertido hacerla mas "anime" y la espada parece sacada de Star Vs. Blablabla.
P.D: Esa serie es un fastido

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Beware a handfasting's binding grip.
Before knotting your wrists with mine,
for one epic lifetime, & a day,
remember this woman is a sultry witch
& girls like her know how it feels to burn
all through the turning year.

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Quise hacer una mini animación con Krita nada mas para practicar, pude haberla echo mas bonita pero me fastidie de que o se fuera la luz o yo moviera algo :^)

Y quedo eso ahhh, sorry(?

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Sealed lips
tight around the budding flower
like a fastidious bee at work,
sucking, licking, drawing circles
to pull the very life out of it,
the constant tease of honeyed dew petals
struggling for air,
suffocating under the hot darkness
of heat & shadow
R.B. O'Brien Author

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3 horas

La verdad me fastidia demorar tanto ;w;
En fin, he vuelto con un dibujo hecho en Paint MS :D se siente como si volviera a mis inicios uvu

Además, estoy trabajando en un meme que involucra el nuevo corte de Totu(?

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Been fasting all day and now I’m hungry.

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