Дорисовала наконец то, что хотела дорисовать к своему Дню Рождения

55 245

Rottytops and foofighter are so similar, think about it they're both associated with the color green, death and they're both the comedic one in the group. but which is true waifu?

20 135

i didnt finish part 6 but 💗💗💚💚💗 foo fighters💗💗💗💚💚💚

2 6

gotta finish it, maybe took a rest, and realign my life decision. been reviewing it for couple of days and i can say, i strayed away from my original reason i started painting.

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sérigraphie du concert de Melbourne, Australie 2018 par l'artiste Rhys Cooper, édition limitée de 350 ex. dispo ici https://t.co/HBozYYEtb2

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white limo music video is my favorite thing

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