One of my newest OCs, Eunice!! Part of the Fragilius CS

//wow it's amazing how many times I've had to move this watermark just to deal with Twitter's crop algorithm-

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gonna put all my in-process pics for this oil painting in one place! the concept of this is a mix of learned helplessness / the historical pedestal of fragility white women have been put in. i'm reffing a variety of medieval tapestries + ingres paintings!

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História internacional: Presidente Oranoslob Riaj, do Lisarb pede a todos que sigam orientações dos cientistas e da OMS, reforçando a gravidade do problema e mostra preocupação com a própria saúde "pelo meu histórico de fragilidade, eu sentiria todos os sintomas e explodiria"

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Offering complete vulnerability
Expressing all of her heart
With an unedited voice
She neglected fragility
Found her inner strength
Freed her soul

Art by kellepics on

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How cool are the panorama landscapes in Four Gardens!? 😍

One of the recurrent trees is Cherry blossom, a flower of many trees of genus Prunus that reminds one of the beauty and fragility of life, as the falling petals are said to be a symbol of fleeting beauty in life. 🌸

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In queste canzoni c’è dentro la mia vita come non l’avevo mai raccontata. Abbiatene cura come un segreto che qualcuno vi ha confessato in un momento di fragilità. Buon viaggio ⭐️

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“Why is it that & Surfers are some of the strongest advocates of
Because they've spent time in & around the ocean, & they've personally seen the beauty, the fragility, & even the degradation of our planet's 💙blue heart.”

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a questi
da solo
con me

dove riflettere
a tutto
e niente,

dove poter
le mie pressioni,
paure ed ansie...

Questo è quando
il mondo si ferma
davanti alla paura

che ci ricorda
la nostra fragilità
ed impotenza.

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Finché non capiremo
che la nostra vera forza
consiste nel non usarla
con chi è più fragile
ma farsi noi ancora più piccoli
e fragili per comprendere
o ammettere ciò che
non possiamo pretendere,
non potremo conoscere dove risiede il valore di un uomo.

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Lacie and Azaleas,July 2018
From when I spent countless hours day and night researching language of flowers
White & Purple Azaleas mean Elgance,grace,temperance,maturity,wealth,beauty,longing for a place called your own,death,fragility of a love that's beautiful but can never be

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「きぼう」で実験中のFragilityテーマ(静電浮遊炉 利用)で、地上で実現することが超難しい高融点酸化物の浮遊・溶融に成功し、これまでにない精密な密度の導出に必要な実験データを得ることができました。ちなみに世界初ですぞ(๑•̀ㅂ•)و✧

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Vertigo, my Allosaurus Fragilis/Saurophaganax dinosona! She’s unusually strong for an allo and prefers to take on other large carnivores for food. She isn’t too kind to most and likes getting brutal and gorey

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New painting 100 x100cm completed oil on wood. Need to give it a title now! Something to do with ‘Fragility’ ...#nature

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The White Cyclamen studies, by Polly Thayer (Starr)(1904–2006). At the age of 81, with glaucoma "and Increasingly aware of the fragility of her vision", she concentrated on an abstract sequence of cyclamen flowers drawn in chalk on black paper. They are her masterworks.

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Ciò che riflette l'anima è l'unico sollievo
di cui ha bisogno il cuore, quando è avvolto
nel velo della fragilità e cerca pace.

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'Del Trastevere al paraíso': la fragilidad de los sueños revolucionarios. Felipe Hernández y Antonia Santolaya retratan la convulsa Italia de los 70 en un cómic que figurará entre lo mejor del año

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basado en los disfraces de las imágenes de abajo, una tarjeta de San Valentín tardía, para reivindicar la 🌈

"ternura radical es abrazar la fragilidad"

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En la inmensidad del universo, somos inconscientes de la fragilidad de nuestra existencia.
Ulthar disfruta modelando y reconstruyendo el orden, con tal de mantener el equilibrio.

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