Some awesome space dogfights going on at our booth! Join the fun and grab a free Alpha copy.

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Raz the One-Eyed jealously guards your cool free loot at our booth.

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Hex based SciFi wargaming with cards! Grab a free Alpha copy at our booth!

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Can't hit your opponent if he's hiding behind asteroids! Grab a free Alpha copy at our booth!

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Humans are rednecks on a galactic scale at our booth. Grab a free Alpha copy.

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We brought so many spaceships, armor and guns that even our asteroids are packin' heat at our booth!

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Angry dinosaurs stomping around in scifi exo-battlesuits! What could go wrong at our booth!

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It ROCKS to see us in such great company!! Prepare to be Slain! \m/

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Sorry nVidia but has nailed in - the waifu bartending simulator!

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Last prep for !^_^hope to see you there!

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Oh, how cute: These hand written notes and placeholder graphics... Ready for

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Final Fantasy Explorers playable at Gamescom 2015

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Coming to Contact us to try our awesome blend of games :3

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A new World of Warcraft expansion will be announced at Gamescom.

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RT please! Visit our Gamescom booth and challenge our AI for a secret reward!

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Made ths cover art for the 1st print edition of Available@

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One of our staff has a code left over, and we're giving it away! RT this tweet and follow us to enter!

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