Now that's menacing, Armando's Dad is glaring at me pretty fiercely😨🐲

Original idea and art from my good friend, . My apologies if there were any mistakes or flaws in the artwork^^

5 29

I had a great session last night, but I made one glaring mistake. And it's one I've made a few times, so it's worth repeating this:

✨Banishment is to be used BY the players, not ON the players. ✨

It's simply no fun to have your turn stolen away.

0 9

Edit: Fixed a glaring issue that I didn't notice from my tiredness >_>

1 2

Spire Complex / Doom II / Boom-Compatible / 2011 / MAP01-MAP09 / by Callum Guy Oliver aka "phobosdeimos1" (RIP)

An episode of starbase / E1-textured base levels with relatively reserved opposition. The one glaring flaw is a bug with the final boss.

3 11

Been playing the new Pokémon game (first I’ve played in a LONG TIME lmfao ) and to probably no ones surprise these characters are my favorites . (sorry for the glaring inaccuracies I had like 3 tiny pictures and no prior knowledge of Pokémon lore hahahah )

2 8

I shoulda said 20+ aka after someone at the Crystarium finally gave him glasses and he stopped glaring (aka squinting)

14 94

Tony, while playing with the Cloak of Levitation: This is going to be so much fun!

Stephen, glaring at the gauntlets of the suit:

(Credit to the artist)

6 21

Well, I just realized there was a glaring coloring error on her fur tufts. So... here's the corrected version.

5 36

DuckTales 2017 takes care not to continue the glaring problem with the original's racism and casts ethically. From Gandra Dee (Jameela Jamil) to Don Karnage (Jaime Camil), Gosalyn Mallard to Fenton Crackshell Cabrera (Lin-Manuel Miranda).

2 17

Fallout New Vegas is a failure of a game. I keep trying to go to the titular "New Vegas" but end up getting poisoned to death by Cazadors or mauled by Death Claws. People hail Obsidian for making a good FO game but can't overlook this glaring flaw in game design

4 15

I've been thinking a lot about the New Republic lately. It has been presented in the new canon as having some big successes and glaring failures. So, when folks like Holdo speak of being the spark to "restore the Republic", what parts are worth fighting to restore?

A thread.

40 203

. Here's the figure that was glaringly missing from the set back in 1975!

5 45

And remember kids just because its fun doesn't mean the glaring problems are magically gone.

0 7

I also mentioned it before, but the revenge battle against Super-X is also wonderful.
The quiet brief moment of Godzilla glaring while standing still, before approaching growling and the sudden huge eruption of desperate battle.
It is really masterpiece filming.

18 76

This was an eeeeaaarly one. I fixed some glaring issues but left most untouched. My shading and highlighting leave a lot to be desired here lol.

0 8

After a failed experiment, Qodri found herself, er, duplicated. I'd say the clone lost a lot of personality, but I'm sure that's not what the viewers are focusing on here and...



Qodri, please stop glaring at me like this.

(an experiment in - enjoy!)

9 37

Stupid joke that during all of ShB, Emet had to use choice words cause his God is just glaring daggers at him for ruining his vacation to the First.

0 5

Elin valk.

Eh, kind of predict this will happen, especially when the game is in its declining state due to retarded game devs not fixing every glaring problems plagued the game for eternity.

As long as JP still exists along with this, they're only delay the inevitable

0 0

"Koi would you like to say Hi?"
*Koi quickly writes in his notebook, before glaring back at the creator.*
*Koi turns the notebook toward the creator, still glaring.*
Koi's journal: "Why are you talking to no one?"
*The creator has facepalmed internally. Damage 100.*

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