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The following magical girls have been added as options:
Lulu de Morcerf (Dream Dream) - Shugo Chara!! Doki (2008-2009)
Riika Hiiragi (Pure Feeling) - Shugo Chara! Party (2009-2010)
Miracle Monomi - Danganronpa 2: Good-bye Despair (2012)
【初音ミク】rain stops, good-bye【オリジナル曲】 https://t.co/lppgtJ7VcB #sm3075492 #ニコニコ動画
“Gokigenyou ごきげんよう” is a greeting of Japan. This word is sometimes used instead of “Nice to meet you” or “Hello” and at other time used as “Have a nice day” or ”Good-bye”. This word includes the meaning of praying for hearer to be good health. #RINGO_art
In every ending, there is a new beginning! ♾ We take a look at that spectacular #ADiscoveryOfWitches Finale including witchfire, deal making, good-byes and look forward to what time walking brings.
Listen/see show notes: https://t.co/sHjVwni77m
【Ve-nus】6「Good-bye youth」
#Venus #illust
#illustration #art #Artist
This is my farewell post. My heart breaks when I see the farewell posts of the members of the cast @shadowhunterstv 💔. I still can't believe it's over. But I have to say good-bye to my on-screen family...
#ShadowhuntersChat #Shadowhunters #ShadowFam #love #forever #Malec
「サヨナラ Good-bye」の所がとてつもなく好きっ!!!
#lumpofsugar ランプオブシュガーこれくしょん『Hello,good-bye』本日発売ですー!一度プレイした人もハログのヒロイン達とこの連休を過ごして見てはいかがでしょうか!?
Hello sunshine, good-bye rain! #flowerpainting **** Spring is coming! https://t.co/Lcj3GEWtJZ (detail)
#lumpofsugar ランプオブシュガーこれくしょん『Hello,good-bye』の発売が明日に迫って参りました!
OMG I ACTUALLY LOST THE FULL VERSION OF "SUPER KIRSTEN" AWHILE BACK! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!! I AM STILL SUPER THANKFUL TO THE PERSON WHO MADE THIS FOR ME! We barely knew each other, but they were kind enough to make me this good-bye gift! <3
tokyo girl good-bye Fes Vol.5、ありがとうございました!かっこいいグループのみなさんと共演できて光栄でした!とっても楽しかったです!ぜひまた呼んでください!
フリーゲーム「Good-Bye to Youtopia」、本日で投稿一周年記念です!