Yep Magical Days and Stand up my Hero
Funny tho both charas are insulting you as soon as they can but also have a sweet side

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cant help but be cute while insulting people :>

1 31

I just love how the pokédex is always insulting Magikarp no matter what

66 112

Kramm now faces prosecution under section 103 of the German criminal code for ‘insulting’

7 1

Insulting the computer characters will increase your chances of victory obviously

9 37

For the Candle Light prompt. The symbolism in here is almost insultingly obvious.

11 21

These "bitstrips" are a little insulting to some of us. They're fake comics. They're Fomics.

8 4

they are Rude and Insulting Humans in a game. there names ..:
1st name: Elite ninja. and see other.

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