Good night,Judas.
HO3-檜木 藍

4 26

캐릭터 이름 한번만 더 바꿀께요!
죄송합니다...!! '시엘'이라는 이름이 너무 많았어욥..! 그래서 바꾸겠습니다!

Yuda anderson 유다 앤더슨
(Judas가 맞지만 그냥 Yuda 로...)

Yuen anderson 유엔 앤더슨

4 8

another preview of the comic with judas and seymour!

0 16

Opa! meu nome é jona, eu sou um artista conceitual e storyboarder, e ficaria muito muito grato se vocês me ajudassem a compartilhar minha arte! mt obrigado

0 1

Opa! meu nome é jona, eu sou um artista conceitual e storyboarder, e ficaria muito muito grato se vocês me ajudassem a compartilhar minha arte! mt obrigado

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Progress 💙

Go listen to Turbo Lover by Judas Priest, man. I got inspired to draw this solely on that song after I heard it on the radio 😁🤟

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     Good night, Judas.

    ❖KP 50さん

    HO1 昆布  |春夏冬 竜胆
    HO2 のたさん|未利 密琉
    HO3 よよこ |嘉指 侑依
    HO4 すみとも|睡井 微睡

        END 1


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『Good night,Judas.』 HO2

8 56

Absolutely amazing commission I got from !

Bleaching hair and painting nails after regrowing their skin is just part of Judas's monthly routine 😌

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Tryna figure out how Judas moves 🤔

A steady long distance canter moves kinda like a mix of hyena, maned wolf, and anteater 🤨

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(Old art) I can never decide if I want the stars to be markings or just makeup

but then I start thinking about the logistics of how makeup would work on fur

Judas characters design will never be set in stone as everytime I draw them something changes

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(to the tune of Judas) KUMAS KU-MA-AS KUMAS KU-MA-AS

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COC『Good,night Judas.』
HO2/飛白 一零


4 9

🍃彡 Post de Divulgação 彡🍃
Bom dia~~🌹💜
Estamos quase chegando a 1300 seguidores (yei yei) faltam apenas 50 pessoas, eu ficaria extremamente feliz se me ajudassem a bater mais essa meta.
Eu faço desenhos bonitinhos e espero de coração que gostem e me acompanhem nessa jornada~~

28 85

【Good night,Judas.】

KP 空野 さん

HO1 ポエム
HO2 モチスケ さん
HO3 灰桜 さん
HO4 みーすけ さん


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dibujete de Judas el gatete que estamos cuidando 🐱

0 4

Good night,Judas. HO2
最後に刹をつけると運命に抗えそうな強い名前にしました😎RPは真面目に頑張ります しんどいらしいけど負けないぞ~~~!


4 12

『Good night,Judas.』 HO3

重喜 樟(しげき くす)


4 8

Quick lil marking thingy for Judas 💜

Exothropeans see in ultraviolet light and have bright markings that goes unnoticed by others if not under UV lighting. Any deep scar tissue they have is slightly visible too.

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