Commission for AriaLibelle on DA of her Voidelf oc!

10 56

Some cosplay at the Belladonna Household, embarrassing their daughter like any good parents should.

85 485

Eine Feelinara und Chillabell Fusion in Sketchform o3o
Ich nenne .... Chillinara....oder Feelibell..... idk...

13 101

Testing out MSPaint refs as a possibility, with Lyllibelle being my test subject. Might make these for my other pets once I come up with designs for them

4 6

Based on what said on what she wants to see in Volume 7. I imagine meeting would go... something like this...

261 1289

Sucht gemeinsam den Schlüssel! One Key von erscheint voraussichtlich im zweiten Quartal 2019. Lest hier mehr über ein kooperatives Erlebnis, das Kreativität, Ideen und Assoziationen erfordert.

2 5

Felt very nostalgic so I tried my hand at drawing my oldest Neopet, Lyllibelle

She's gay and also a vampire

5 7

Dice Forge Rebellion 🔨🎲

Ils arrivent… Soyez prêts !
They're coming… Be ready!

6 16

Bon bref sinon lire le bouquin du jeu m’a inspiré pour faire un portrait de mon perso dans cet univers, donc meet Libellule le demi-fée qui fait pousser des plantes sentientes
Encore fait avec :3

0 1

Tia Halibel. The second Queen of underboob.

49 422

Trillibel batch I did for my winter project *w*!!! Missed them so much T////T <33 ahh it's been 3 year since I did them last time T_T *shame on me*
I hope you like them **

4 20

forgot to post this here but AYY ITS LOLLIBELLE

1 0

Très drôle. Mais nous tenons à préciser que Libellud déconseille toutes prises de substances illicites ;)
Very funny! But not really how we work ;)
cc: Aviv Or & Eran Aviram (2015)

8 25

Çoban Çeşmesi ▪Suluboya ▪30X40cm

Ne şair yaş döker, ne aşık ağlar,
Tarihe karıştı eski sevdalar.
Beyhude seslenir, beyhude çağlar,
Bir sola, bir sağa çoban çeşmesi...
(Faruk Nafiz ÇAMLIBEL)

0 5

2 décembre. Dans vous incarnez des détectives privés. Participez à notre concours de peinture pour tenter de gagner des goodies voire, pour la plus belle, un jeu Libellud dédicacé ! Date limite : 18/12/2018 à midi. A vos pinceaux !

3 6

"Il corpo della libellula è esile, ma attraversa ballando la tempesta." (prov.giapponese) 😘
J. W. Waterhouse, 1916

9 14