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Commission for AriaLibelle on DA of her Voidelf #warcraft oc!
Some cosplay at the Belladonna Household, embarrassing their daughter like any good parents should.
#RWBY #KaliBelladonna #BlakeBellado...
Eine Feelinara und Chillabell Fusion in Sketchform o3o
Ich nenne .... Chillinara....oder Feelibell..... idk...
Oh. Yeah. This.
Here ya go.
#rwby #kalibelladonna #brolicbluedudes #spicy
💎🔨💧The Goldsmith.
⏩Creature of DICE FORGE Extension. Boardgame edited by @libellud
#boardgames #boardgame #jds #j2s #jeudesociete #libellud #libelludgames #regisbonnessee #biboun #art #leviathan #goldsmisth #orfevre #titan #goddess #artwork #characterdesign
Testing out MSPaint refs as a possibility, with Lyllibelle being my test subject. Might make these for my other pets once I come up with designs for them
Based on what @ArrynZech said on what she wants to see in Volume 7. I imagine #yangxiaolong meeting #kalibelladonna would go... something like this...
#blakebelladonna #RWBY
Happy Valentines Day~ ❤️
Sucht gemeinsam den Schlüssel! One Key von @Libellud erscheint voraussichtlich im zweiten Quartal 2019. Lest hier mehr über ein kooperatives Erlebnis, das Kreativität, Ideen und Assoziationen erfordert.
https://t.co/0dszPMgdNO #onekey #schlüssel #boardgames #brettspiel #libellud
Felt very nostalgic so I tried my hand at drawing my oldest Neopet, Lyllibelle
She's gay and also a vampire
Dice Forge Rebellion 🔨🎲
Ils arrivent… Soyez prêts !
They're coming… Be ready!
#DiceForge #Rebellion #Libellud #j2s #boardgame #mythology
OMG #freakssqueele A UN JDR AAHHHN
Bon bref sinon lire le bouquin du jeu m’a inspiré pour faire un portrait de mon perso dans cet univers, donc meet Libellule le demi-fée qui fait pousser des plantes sentientes
Encore fait avec #Procreate :3
Très drôle. Mais nous tenons à préciser que Libellud déconseille toutes prises de substances illicites ;)
Very funny! But not really how we work ;)
@Upto4Players cc: Aviv Or & Eran Aviram (2015)
Çoban Çeşmesi ▪Suluboya ▪30X40cm
Ne şair yaş döker, ne aşık ağlar,
Tarihe karıştı eski sevdalar.
Beyhude seslenir, beyhude çağlar,
Bir sola, bir sağa çoban çeşmesi...
(Faruk Nafiz ÇAMLIBEL)
#hakkiusluart #hakkiuslu #suluboya #watercolour #watercolorpainting
2 décembre. Dans #ShadowsAmsterdam, vous incarnez des détectives privés. Participez à notre concours de peinture pour tenter de gagner des goodies voire, pour la plus belle, un jeu Libellud dédicacé ! Date limite : 18/12/2018 à midi. A vos pinceaux ! #NoelLibellud #concours
"Il corpo della libellula è esile, ma attraversa ballando la tempesta." (prov.giapponese) #DonneInArte #DonneNellaTempesta 😘
J. W. Waterhouse, 1916