A large percentage of my viewers aren't following, if you like my art consider following me/hj
(Feel free to ask abt the designs in the comments!)
Also who's your favorite design?

10 49

Designs the for the free trial SMP ya know…before they die lmao

I like to think of it as a post mutant experiment quarantine gone wrong

12 137

"Why am I here? What happens at the end of the timer?"

Core!Ranboo lore my beloved <3 (Rts appreciated!!)

10 78

givin me tub-bot brainrot so uhhhhh *throws this shit design concept doodle @ u n runs back into the offline hole*

1 38

// Bright Colors , Blood , Glitching

Free Trail SMP Phil has such a creepy aura around him I love it

3 19


Just doodle of Phil in the hardcore smp thingy lololo I dont know what is happening in there anymore lololo

1 8