I thought it was time to take this sketch and throw it into procreate. I think I’ll be trying this again very soon. ;)

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some signs of lycanthrope when not transformed. 1st is lesser 2nd is greater

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Another lycanthrope!
The fact that this guy is the same size in either form pairs well with the werebat growing HUGE, cause now I have multiple size difference angles to play...

11 34

Adelaide, the lycanthrope librarian shiba inu. It's my RPG character.
Commissions are open! <3


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Artwork Rush! (2)
My fan design of Lycanthropy from
and yes the bikini is a separate layer.

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Loved Lycanthorn I and now im hyped for Lycanthorn II.
heres a Rain and Skele

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Lots 505 & 506 - 'The Gorgon and the Lycanthrope' & 'Little Rescuer' by Michael Ajerman ✨⁠

Bidding starts at just £50.⁠

Auction runs 5-19 November⁠
Hosted by

VIEW AUCTION - https://t.co/7oAbnIHIi4

Raising money for

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The Avalon Knights academy wishes all students mischievous and exciting Liars night, while it technically works as a costume we encourage our Lycanthrope students to dress up any way.

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Lycantober prompt

The Fenraos Gatherers isn't deadly without its big,bad enforcer. Krull is the baddest brute of the pack.

Krull © Franchesca Huerta aka Chibi-Tediz/Chibi Brugarou

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Other than GINGER SNAPS and the werewolf queen in THE HOWLING, there weren't a lot of female werewolves on the big screen, which is where the idea of a pack of female lycanthropes came from. Why should guys get to have all the fun?

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†VAMPIRE†マダラ様 見た目的に吸血鬼だよなぁと
†MUMMY†イズナくん ミイラ+ゾンビって感じ
†LYCANTHROPE†扉間 狼っぽいイメージもってるので
†WITCH†柱間 日本では魔女って訳されてるけど男のウィッチも普通にいるので…

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Lycantober prompt Leader

Chibi Teddiami's worst enemy of all, Sorai.

Sorai © Franchesca Huerta aka Chibi-Tediz/Chibi Brugarou

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Artwork Repost: Just Shapes and Beats Fan design of

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Lycantober prompt

One of Sorai's dangerous member of the Fenroas Gatherers.

Wolfgang © Franchesca Huerta aka Chibi-Tediz/Chibi Brugarou

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I mean, it’s have Sophora who’s a deer squirrel. I haven’t explored her character a whole ton, but she was a squirrel girl first, then a deer squirrel. I don’t know what latent powers or abilities she might have... lycanthropy? n-canthropy? Sure, why the heck not!

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