My all time favorite couple. These two were an accidental love story that has become a cornerstone of my stories.

0 0

Esas personitas que te tienen enamorada hasta las trancas 😍

0 1

Why do people hate so much on god, where is the fucking love?

0 2


Cr. tensionup_1013

0 8

Congrats Togashi on the manga comeback (again)

26 68

“She and I had needed each other more than either of us knew.”

― Haruki Murakami ❤️👄

83 154

Sinibaldo Scorza protagonista del weekend di con l'apertura di due nuove mostre

9 7

IDontGiveUp bc WE LOVE THEM and that's no small thing 6

12 16

160611 세훈 아우터 MORETHANDOPE 제품 공식사이트에서는 품절로 구입 불가능

101 118