of the propellers weighs an astounding 60,000 lbs! We must save this marvel of American design and engineering: https://t.co/556MIwtdUH.

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Gabriele Pellerone's art can be described as realism meets fantasy. Inspired by Renaissance and Pop culture, his works are the perfect balance between old and new. He is now represented by Agora Gallery and his work will be on view from September 6 - September 26.

1 2

Le poème se nourrit de mouvements ;
mouvements de cet être intérieur que certains appelleraient « âme».
Son rythme est celui de la vague. Son destin est de traverser

A. Chedid

Odilon Redon

22 57

Illustration for the Arctic Monkeys song 'My Propeller' from the album 'Humbug'

1 28

22 août 2016 vs 22 février 2018
C'était mon 1er dessin sur tel...
(En vrai j'en ai fais d'autres mais on peut même pas appeller ça des dessins xD)

0 10

This year we will succeed in breaking through the envelope and reach the planets. I invite you all to a banquet next New Year's Eve on the moon, where we will finally taste foods of a flavour unknown to our planet and unimaginable drinks! - Fillìa

Harmony of Propellers, c.1931

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Discord emote of Propeller and his cocky catchphrase

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A-Z of the RAF: C is for: Chipmunk and constant-speed propellers. No. 1 shows a Chipmunk being serviced at Coningsby. No. 2, art for a Bill Gunston piece in shows the mechanism to set propeller blades to their most efficient angle.

4 19

'If a child knows 8 nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are 4 years old, they are usually among the best readers and spellers in their class by the time they are 8'. (M. Fox, Reading Magic).

102 141


9 25

It scares me when the plane has propellers! And the propeller is right outside your window!

0 0

フリーゲーム『Elemental Speller ~人喰い迷宮と不思議な少女~』クリア。人喰い迷宮と呼ばれる遺跡。次々と消えた村人。その調査に乗り出す主人公。本当のエンディングにたどり着けるかどうかはプレイヤー次第の3DダンジョンタイピングRPGです。主人公は男女選べ(感想続く↓

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A generative typeface created using attractors, repellers and particles https://t.co/2pn3WeZSdG via

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