1 day till my birthday. 3 days till quirklings. This ❤️‍🔥🔥 crew can’t wait to ride that belated birthday present 🌊🌊

13 47

Loving the spaces collab vibe with and Such strong communities that transcend the projects with no substance! Check them both out!! And don’t sleep on this weeks quirklings drop. You have 4 days to get your OG Quirkie with free quirkling drop

2 18

Why ? There are 1001 ways to answer that. One that stands out...#inclusivity. Most are heavily weighted toward masculine or feminine. beautifully balances both in a way that hits different yet right on point.♥🔥💪🏽


24 55

With the Quirklings drop happening this week with ,there’s no better time to snipe some grails near the floor. While others might panic and sell when eth is low,this is the time to invest in a strong community. Don’t miss the free drop with OG.

18 60

This week is going to be great! Don’t wait before it’s too late to get a matching quirkie OG and quirklings set. If you own an OG, you get a free quirkling.

0 5

Check out this squad 👀 imagine when hit the collection 😍 it’ll be 🔥🔥🔥 are growing
ain’t stuffing around

20 59

It’s definitely a whoopsie if you do a doopsie …🙃🔥👍lovin the humor behind it!!!#WhoopsieDoopsies

2 8

Hey fam! Who is the next Quirkling you want to see animate?? 👀 retweet to massive vote !! And post your favourite number… https://t.co/2bl5gDGA08

27 74

Finch One Astroquirk. Clean trait combos. Laying low in the cut with the and Natural blonde surfer, grew up chasing the waves, now out among the stars looking out for a sign that the Quirklings have arrived 👀👀👀

0 1

New Quirk whodis?

Thanks to for the smooth deal!!

8 51

Loving my new 👿 😈 brothers in to the collection. Bring on the quirklings!

31 132

All have looked AMAZING! This is why we keep having to ask if each sneak peek is 1/1 🤌 Just look 👇 It’s going to be an absolutely epic experience exploring these traits after reveal, watching them trade on secondary, and the game dynamics of matching IDs

17 60

Qm fam! ☀️
Last night trading tuesday was amazing. Bullish on the future of Quirksville

4 22