GEORGE. You cad. You blackguard. You absolute BOUNDER.

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Stop Brandis drawing his plans against us! Give $5 to take on tour!

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We began the day with Natural History, and so shall we end it.

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The Omniscient One measures a new bookcase for the office

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The George Brandis Live Art Experience Caption Competition Mark II! Get onto it!

12 3

Ahhhh - what’s nicer than a quiet walk in the snow-covered…… AAAARRGGHHHH!!!

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At The George Brandis Live Art Experience, we like big bustles and we cannot lie. Oh, and big hats.

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Hail George, full of disgrace, the funds are with thee.

4 3

At The George Brandis Live Art Experience, we believe symbolism should be delivered by the shovel-load.

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Goose to Maverick….. Goose to Maverick…..

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Hello, wonderful people! We hope you’re reading something stimulating on this beautiful Saturday!

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This one is terrific. It even has Eric Abetz at top right. :)

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Who let this Image of Modern Evil loose on the city? HALP!

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He’s absolutely LIVID - and that’s all part of The George Brandis Live Art Experience!

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"Dance" - a concept brought to you by the George Brandis Live Art Experience.

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