판사님 저는 그저 모노의 긴 속눈썹의 매력에 대해 설명하고 싶었을 뿐이었는데요. 아니 그러니까 다른게 아니라. 의식의 흐름이...

I just wanted to draw his eyelashes...and..

40 203

반딧불의 빛
Light of A Firefly
어제 풀었던 해석기반으로 그렸어요.

22 141

Sorry that the style is constantly changing, I'm just looking for how it will be better and which one to stop at.
Tell me which one you like best 👉👈

6 24

Cosplaying as Mono from 💀
Layer: 34 layers
Time taken: 3 hours 11 minutes
Style: waist up
Background: from Google


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