Présentation des personnages
+ visite de l'atelier de Kentaro Miura
+ une interview contenant des révélations sur la saga
+ des crayonnés
+ des illustrations couleurs
+ tant d'autres choses encore !
= Un data book indispensable
Le 22/11 :

66 162


Hoy una carta indispensable en todo chamán, 'TÓTEM LENGUA DE FUEGO'.

Artista: Jonathan Ryder

1 33

¿Así o mas chingones? Solo en México: en Garibaldi, mariachis intercambian canciones por despensas para las víctimas...

135 180

Bullet Bras were the indispensable underwear trend back in the 1940s and 50s -

0 0

Sebastiao Salgado#
Ethiopia, 1984# Dispensary, Tchad, 1985# Sudan Cattle, 2006#

325 553

With indispensable help from the lovely , the Cow TF outbreak has begun!
Very soon we will all have udders and moosnoots!

25 102

legittiman propria preminenza
organizzando la sventura:
a questo prezzo si rendon indispensabili
ma ancor per quanto si può pagarlo?

3 7

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."

9 10

"Solitude is indispensable for my dialogue with nature".
—Caspar David Friedrich, died 1840

43 84

Dispensa legenda essa imagem 😍😍😍Vivian te Amo

350 2522

"Art can be indispensable during times of public health crisis" | Rx For What Ails Us: A Doctor's Case For The Arts

5 15

Esto es indispensable en mi presentación

98 257

Buen dia! Bongiorno! Good morning! Bono dia! Etc etc paa toditos!Indispensable el marecito!en lo gratos momentos😏👧💋👧

4 13

Born 1744, Andrew Duncan, who set up the first public dispensary in Scotland and Edinburgh's first asylum

8 8

Il.lustració pròpia sobre un miquelet. Personatge indispensable del 1714 a Catalunya. Bona diada!

0 0

Solitude is indispensable for my dialogue with nature.
—Caspar David Friedrich, born 1774

8 22