Did you catch this? Venerable Villains: The Basics of Bad Guys https://t.co/xsH2sDa5FH

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"Agile and vig'rous, venerable Sun,
Fiery and bright around the heav'ns you run,
Foe to the wicked, but the good man's guide,
O'er all his steps propitious you preside."
/Orphic Hymn to the Sun

Happy everyone!!

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Did you catch this? Venerable Villains: The Basics of Bad Guys https://t.co/xsH2sDa5FH

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At the core of THE VANGUARDIAN is a cosmic “Game!” A venerable race conducts a competition to determine who gets to rule it.
After eons, Earth is in “Endgame!”
Read THE VANGUARDIAN to date @ https://t.co/ns7as96K13 New posts Tu.

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The Sisters of the Holy Family, photographed at the turn of the 20th century. This Roman Catholic women’s order was founded in New Orleans by Venerable Henriette DeLille, a free woman of color, in the mid-1830s. Known as the Sisters of the Presentation u… https://t.co/tQ8sT9r9KW

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Did you catch this? Venerable Villains: The Basics of Bad Guys https://t.co/xsH2sDa5FH

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Sure am glad you equipped me with an eevee evolution executable, Ery! This outfit has great bonuses, but full value is for venerable verified vees and veelikes only! Getting all the superpowered sissy sylveon stats now, nyaavee!

Art ❤️
Veemod ala ~

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BTD - Venerable comedy director Charles Barton - ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN - 1948 - Danish release poster

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Did you catch this? Venerable Villains: The Basics of Bad Guys https://t.co/xsH2sDa5FH

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“Blackwall Yard” by Francis Holman

On the north bank of the Thames near Greenwich in 1784s. The 74 on the stocks in the middle is thought to be HMS Venerable. She will go on to be Admiral Duncan's flagship at the Battle of Camperdown

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When you're an old and venerable ice cream casually checking the news about indie games.

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If you catch me at Magic Fest Kansas City or Seattle this summer come find me and ask for one of my new Fblthp inspired Zombie Army tokens for Commissioned art by the venerable and sort of art deco frame by me!

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Amici italiani, mi guardo Pollon (perché ne ho voglia ) e alla veneranda età di 39 anni ho notato per la prima volta una cosa sconvolgente : perché Pollon ha le puppe???!!!!?!

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~thank you veneracion beauty salon~

5221 48498

this design of Venera is actually a lot cuter than her final design, I'm crying at how cute it is

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You, a simpleton: Hey it’s Star Wars ahahahaha
Me, a venerable sage: H O R S E D A Y

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Did you catch this? Venerable Villains: The Basics of Bad Guys https://t.co/xsH2sDa5FH

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Looking at the warhammer 40k stuff I have yet to paint, I'm really leaning for a malice/malal colour scheme, been so long since I venerated the only true, and arguably non canon, chaos god!

There's a reason my avatar/profile is two faced. Glory to the parasitic god of anarchy!

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Pictures created by Swiss-born artist Paul Klee in his childhood ~ Five Sisters (done at age 5) ■ view of Hilterfingen when he was a venerable 15 https://t.co/8L5zaFgpWx

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Did you catch this? Venerable Villains: The Basics of Bad Guys https://t.co/xsH2sDa5FH

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