画質 高画質

本日一番の発見はこれかな。作成中の図『グラナダ・テレビ シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 221B』の赤矢印にあるのが Microscope Slides です。となりは顕微鏡ケースです。 http://t.co/JSeuoiwJLu

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2月13日 21:00
『MIMICROSCOPE マイミクロスコープ』(第5夜) ~22:00
JIDAI ソロ 作品上演/アフターミーティング
料金 1000円。

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That's what i do when i have a mouse and microsoft paint. should i submit? :D

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Phytoplanktons, diatoms, different types of algae all look beautiful under the microscope http://t.co/PCTTOwTzhA

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Forgot my microsd reader so I had to grab a low res off the site.

http://t.co/pQHLvwH4qY replay vid (dont judge me)

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Vintage Microscope



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The era of holographic computing is here. I'm proud to be part of the team

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>Microsoft hace que Cortana sea personalizable
>Le puedes poner orejas de gato y que termine cada frase con un "nya"

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Delving through the microscope to inspire creation with PGCE students- physical &digital art circles.

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Dribbbled earlier: Microsite Illustration Set on https://t.co/ulprM1I488

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どうなってるの、Microsoft PowerPoint

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Have students look at a mobile phone screen through a microscope (even a cheap one) and they will really see RGB.

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Entre viñeta y viñeta... se me fue el lápiz de fiesta. Microsketch de 4 min. :)

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Microsoft akhirnya rilis 'Microsoft Band' secara resmi - http://t.co/KUzh4tzDzE

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Bug Three! Now I have to sleep because I have to make Microsoft and Amazon employees coffee at 6am

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Microsoft had lost marketing right on Destiny http://t.co/HdbOyIUh0f

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