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Oh BB, you can work your Moon Cancer magic on me any day! x3

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¿Conocéis videojuegos autobiográficos o con componentes autobiográficos? Night in the Woods o That Dragon Cancer son un buen ejemplo ¿alguno más?

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Don't miss out! Partake of the latest offers and be rewarded with up to 21 products, whilst helping raise money for breast cancer awareness charity ! https://t.co/FpxXrmaZhG

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*TW EYE STRAIN* Zooming Through The Northern Lights.

All Characters belong to me
Back Row(left to right): Scorpio and Pisces
Mid:Cancer and Libra
Front:Capricorn and Sagittarius

Original Photo: https://t.co/7fst0fXf77

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Still thumbnailing but my brain was all "wut about all the other themed-quins you want to make?", so here is a ;)

PS, it's illegal to post things in the internet w/o dedicating it the patron saint of

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[JP] La première partie de la bannière Lostbelt 4 est disponible jusqu'au 29 juin.

Jinako Carigiri/Ganesh (Moon Cancer) ★5 SSR, Lakshmibai (Saber) ★4 SR et William Tell (Archer) ★3 R y sont tous invocables pour la première.

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FGO Community reactions for New MoonCancer https://t.co/0yIxkaaCf9

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ITB confirmed as Mooncancer class

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あずさん(@ pomnmam_cancer )主催の企画に参加させていただきました!

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