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Capilla Sixtina de Alemania 2006

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If you are in tonight, come and say hi.

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I have a perfect job i'm graphic designer but please get out of my mind !

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Feature on my at Ballad Of Magazine ://www.balladof.co.uk/article/brand-new-art-we-heart/5065/

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{fanart} for 'Mystic Ballad 1990' cr

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artificial sunday's first fanart ever (where we all fell out of Ballad Of Mona Lisa and Kelsey's a ginger)

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New Arrival... Check out this huge vintage painting of "Ballarinas"- gorgeous!

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futur balla. con la Bertè nel video roma.milano. una bella cosa. ;) mi sono emozionato. vabbuò..

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The Ballad for Bride of Sea or Sky.
11x14, Watercolor & Pen on coffee stained paper.

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