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What did the tree learn from the earth
To be able to talk with the sky?
Pablo Neruda
Retratto final para @Forbes_Mexico @Forbes de Juan Pablo Escobar #illustration #portrait #escobar #forbes
In honor of left handers day. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Paul Klee, Pablo Picasso #lefthandersday
“#Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Pablo Picasso
Tachi in #USEUM: http://t.co/iqmTMYpVX0
#Art .::. Pablo Picasso »Big heads« → @instrumentum_ch @Aneurin_Jones @Sweasy26 @nisden_ @KerryMillerArt
パブロに8月限定「2種のグレープフルーツチーズタルト」--濃厚ながらも甘酸っぱい、夏の味わい http://t.co/ZiM4SPx7vO #パブロ #PABLO
Herbert Manson capturó la Catedral de San Pablo tras los bombardeos sobre Londres en la #WWII