画質 高画質

ah finally, took me hours :") for inktober day 4 - underwater - nadia from !

i messed up n merged before coloring the lines but i'm okay with the result :o coloring water is a Got Damn Struggle still though

16 64

Finally got around to painting my apprentice from

5 36

i cant stop thinking about how poorly this masochism thing is gonna go for my mc

15 90

Instead of Asra angst, here's some Asra fluff (~)= w=)~.

0 4

Finally got to smooch the hot doc from and it was wholesome(tm)

40 159

Some more Laurel - in spectacles - hunting for clues

12 64

I'm loving meet Laurel she's doing her best and has a Very Big Crush

9 80

*repeatedly plays "Hopelessly Devoted To You" while drawing this*

25 118

Julian making Portia and Weird Al Yankovic proud

48 136

Avery practicing magic* (Tho I’m not sure what magic she possesses yet better wait for the update but I really wanted to animate this:)

28 168

a tipsy (?) julian and a closeup since i spent like 20 years on his eye and i need it to be viewed in FULL DETAIL

147 329

my favorite scene so far from

9 63

as a warm up i doodled MC Laika...what a nice colour palette thanks for letting me draw her ✨

6 56

My mc for 💖 Cosmo, my beautiful trans son that loves his femininity and wants to smooch everyone

7 43

I wasn't supposed to fall so hard for them, send help

5 24

drew my Apprentice from the visual novel
I think I named her Oriana?

5 63